I was hired by my current employer about 4 years ago. At that time, the company was very compartmentalized: every division had its own HR, its own administration, its own management, its own organization, its own way of work, etc.
My hiring process was not a “standard” one. In less then a week I was contacted by 3 different HR people, from 3 different divisions for 3 different positions. I found out that all of them were quite desperate to fill the positions (explicitly said so during one of the interviews or deduced myself). I immediately took advantage of the situation and, using multiple raise requests, I managed to achieve a +55% on the offer I finally accepted (I received 2 raises for position A, 5 for position B e 6 for position C, the one I finally accepted). I never told the 3 HR people that they were competing against other HR people of the same company, neither was I asked to disclose this information.
My company has been undergoing a complete reorganization process for about 2 years, in order to completely eliminate compartmentalization. We are at about 90% I think. Last week I was contacted by an HR employee who said that they were reviewing some past hiring processes and they found that mine and a few others are “quite unique” and that they like to have a call about (no further details). They scheduled the call for the next week (with me, 2 HR employees - a manager and the guy who contacted me - and my current manager - who was not in the company at the time I was hired).
How should I prepare myself for this? Should I worry about something?
(On the legal aspect: I already contacted 2 labor lawyers and both confirmed that I acted in a perfectly legal way and that my company cannot do anything against me on the legal side)
Thanks to everyone for your answers and your comments. I will update again this question after the meeting, next Tuesday (I saw many comments asking for an update after the meeting)
Yesterday I attended the meeting: it was much more friendly than I expected.
The HR is preparing a big final presentation on the company reorganization process (supposed to be showed in the next company event) and they are collecting singular cases like mine.
They requested my written permission to use anonymously my case in the presentation (they will show how difficult was for me the process, how complex was their job to reconcile the data, how the company was inefficient, etc.) and I granted it. I have a copy of the document, signed by the HR manager.
Then they showed me other cases they will use: people interviewed by 6 or 7 different divisions in less then a month, people received offers after they were already been hired, people asked for interviews when working in the company, etc.
My current manager was there only because HR policies require that, during official meetings, there must be the direct manager of the person involved. In fact his contribution to the meeting was: "Hi" at the beginning, a few surprised exclamation when HR was telling the story and a "Goodbye" at the end.