I think I just landed myself in a soup.
I work for a company COM which has multiple engagements with a client. We have two projects running PRJ1 and PRJ2. I am part of PRJ2.
My managers at PRJ2 (client guy) asked us to maintain professional integrity and not sharing any unnecessary information with my managers at COM.
My manager at COM asked us to provide a status on what is happening in the project PRJ2. I did exactly that, but the COM manager (along with other COM managers) took the status and made some very drastic conclusions: that because of PRJ2, PRJ1 will be halted.
I never intended to even say that but they concluded. I told them I never said that, but they were like relax, don't worry, its nothing! Thank you for the information! Etc. etc. blah blah!
I really feel betrayed and mistrusted. I was only giving a status update and they made some conclusions. I am not sure what will they do of the conclusion, but I feel stupid in front of my team to have broken the promise I gave to my client. I don't think my COM manager will really use this information and go to the client and fight, but I am just not feeling OK..
Is there anything I can do to make myself feel less yukky?
Also, my entire team for PRJ2 (my own team, not client) was there on the call. I am sure they are worried as I am. Should I speak to them?
My manager at COM has asked for a recurring meeting for the status updates. I feel they are going to use what I give as status updates and politicize it. What should I do here?
Thank you! (writing this while nervous and uneasy)....