I am working as a development team lead for a US based Organization. Recently I feel that another department manager is viewing me as a problem and attacking me. Below are reasons
- I had arranged a meeting for discussing couple of things related to both departments and she shouted at me at one topic. Even though my team members and myself tried to convince her and explain that we are not responsible or source of her problems, she doesn’t get that point.
- In another meeting with PM where agenda was specific to certain point and she asks the information from another area. For her it is related, since I don’t know I told in the meeting I don’t have the information readily and I can provide immediately after the meeting. But she made comment saying “While coming to meeting this information should be handy.”
- In another meeting where all departments managers and Directors are there and she asked a question directly referring to me. I got confused and I told that I didn’t understand and requested for more elaboration. She immediately refer to my manager and asks him “Did you understand?”. I have ended up saying “Mr. Manager, please help me to understand EQA managers question”.
The above incidents make me more defensive when she/her team approaches me. How to deal this situation?