I just had a phone call with a company that I'm considering work for. They said it would be 5-10 minutes and it was 30 minutes. He called me back right after and I didn't bother answering. I spoke very little and when I did ask questions he went on huge tangents. I felt most of the information was not very valuable to me, especially before I even agreed to the job. As one example he said to try to give them as much notice as possible when I'm sick or going to miss work because the schedule for who does what is made on Mondays and Tuesdays.
This person wouldn't be the only point of contact. I've had the experience before where someone just overloads with information and I sometimes think they do it intentionally to avoid moving on to other topics. Any ways to handle this, or is just best to avoid working with people like this?
Might make a difference to add that the whole thing seemed like a sales pitch as to get me to sign the contract as fast as possible.