I have recently (9 months) been shifted to a team which is handling one of the most critical project of our organisation as well as known for its extremely strict and pushy managers. The focus of the organization is towards R&D, on which our promotions etc depend but the project is entirely service oriented. I am known in the organization for my research initiatives and extremely productive work. Now within last two weeks, I have been called up by the manager twice, and literally been shamed for being unproductive and useless to the organization.
I have spent approximately spent 4 years in this organization with various teams and have always been the star performer. The only difference being that I get a feeling of being a commodity in this team (since week 1). The difference between my earlier work environments and now is in the expectation of working at home and extra hours apart from having no experience of the domain and the technology. I am supposed to do all development work in the office but all study, learning, reading (of research papers), writing them, thinking and exploring ideas are supposed to be done during non-official hours. And sadly, the latter part is what my manager is furious about. He wants me to produce research and propose short term innovative projects with weekly measurable deliverables which I have time and again said I can't since I need a week or two to just explore and read about a domain - which falls in deaf ears, or he just describes me as unproductive in that period and adds pressure for compensating work in the following week.
I was recently adjudged as an extraordinary employee in my organisation (Only 5/400 got this).
Every manager in the organization wants me in their team including the existing one (but no other manager takes the initiative because my current manager is pretty aggressive).
He is not a bad person but looses his cool every now and then.
So my question is how do I avoid the label of being unproductive? (In another words in a purely service oriented work with tight deadlines, how can I produce research?).
Also, am I being too sensitive and is this common in the IT industry ?