I am an employee of a large (50,000+ employees) consultancy firm. I work in a smaller team with approximately 10 other people. I started working for this company, as a graduate, around 9 months ago. As a graduate, I am almost at the bottom of the position hierarchy (above apprentices and trainees, etc.).
Recently, my team have been working on quite an important job, with a tight deadline. We have to issue a number of reports to our client over the course of three weeks e.g. four reports went out last week, eight are due to go out this week, and a final four next week.
It has been my responsibility to produce the figures to be added into each report, using the ArcMap software, which I am more proficient at using than the rest of my team. The rest of my team have little to no experience with any of the software in the ArcGIS package.
As I was adding a completed figure into one of the reports due this week; I noticed that ArcMap had been referred to as "ARC GIS" within the methodology. This particular report had been proofread by my manager, and then by their manager too; though had both overlooked this mistake, due to their unfamiliarity with the software.
My dilemma is that I can either correct my manager/their manager and have inconsistency among the reports (four already submitted to client with incorrect spelling), or have consistency and incorrect spellings. Is it even my place to speak up about this? As a newer member of staff with less experience, would correcting this spelling come across in a condescending manner?
Would it be appropriate for myself, a new member of staff, to correct a senior member of staff's spelling in this particular situation?