Shortly after starting my new job as a development engineer at a larger company, I was asked to submit some personal information for a slideshow showing recent developments at the workplace (the slideshow runs on a few large screens around the office), and typically has a slide for each recently hired employee, with a picture and description. This is of course informative, but also a chance to promote myself to other employees in the workplace.
One of the things listed in the description that I was asked to submit is about my personal interests outside of work. I immediately list a few of my interests that "look good", such as a cappella music and programming.
However, my (by far) main interest outside of work is gaming. Among people my age (mid to late 20's), that isn't considered strange, but a majority of the employees are of my parents' generation and may disapprove of gaming or games as a valid interest.
If I just leave my main interest out I might potentially be missing opportunities to connect with people of similar interests, while putting it in there may make some people think of me as being unprofessional, possibly resulting in me not being considered (perhaps subconsciously) for certain projects.
What is a good way to deal with this situation?