With my job, I often feel unproductive due to having multiple interruptions per day that drain my time. I do not want to seem like I am not doing anything (if my productivity is look at in terms of pure output), but I cannot do many tasks (which require phone calls) due to the interruptions. These include training people on how to use equipment, fixing document errors made by these individuals, answering questions for these individuals, fixing office equipment/replenishing, etc. My boss also spends time training me on specific skills and even more time is drained.
These are all on the phone and can take anywhere between 2 - 25 minutes (due to language barriers, repetition, and multiple questions). A lot of these interruptions are unstructured which causes time delays. One of my responsibilities is to assist these individuals, so I cannot "ignore" these people (if I did, other...more severe...problems would arise). My phone is practically glued to my ear during the day. These interruptions often require my entire attention so I am unable to multitask with them.
How do I avoid being perceived as being unproductive due to low physical output? How do I achieve showing results (not excuses) if my time is strained? How can I shorten these interruptions to do other tasks?