My company scheduled an HR presentation during the lunch hour. It was not technically mandatory, but I needed to at least get the handouts. Since it's during the lunch hour, they announced they would be providing pizza.
I have some dietary restrictions, which my manager is aware of. Since he had arranged food for me before (from the same pizza place), he told me he'd let the presenter know what to order. Hooray!, I think, and don't pack a lunch like I normally would.
However, when I arrive the presenter says, "oops, we forgot your food" and starts the meeting!
As an aside, the only food I can get onsite is soda and candy. The round trip for "real food" is half an hour and I had back to back meetings that afternoon, so I couldn't just run out afterwards.
I ended up staying because I wasn't sure what else to do, but this meant my lunch was a can of soda... Clearly I'll survive, but I was irritated and had trouble focusing that afternoon as a result.
Would it have been unprofessional to say "ok, thanks for the notes, see ya"? (Is there a more graceful way to do that?) Or was it my fault for having special needs / not having a backup, and the professional response is "deal with it"?
(After this, I plan to bring a backup lunch, but I'd still like to know what would be appropriate to do in this situation -- if they had said "oops, forgot the pizza" I'm sure many people would have left, but since it was just me I didn't want to look like a Special Snowflake™.)