I friend of mine connected me with a job to create a computer program, given a set of specifications. My only point of contact was an anonymous email address (e.g. [email protected] ). They never mentioned their name/the company's name. The pay was discussed before the work started, but no contract was signed. I learned from this mistake. The program is now complete and when I told them this, they asked for the following information. They say it's to prepare the "paper work" for me:
- My full name
- My telephone number
- My full address
- A scanned copy of my driver's license or passport
Are all of these a normal request? I do not know any of this about the client, which gives me a bad gut feeling. My name and telephone number are reasonable, maybe even my address, but a copy of my id seems ridiculous, especially not knowing who they are. What risks are associated if I provide them with this information? If they don't pay me for the program, I actually wouldn't be that upset and would just make it open source and use it to showcase my work to potential employers. But of course I'd still like to get paid. What is the best way to respond to the email asking me for these things? I'm thinking of:
Could you first provide me with your name, the company your represent, it's telephone number and mailing address so I can provide you an official invoice?
Asking why they need my address and a copy of my id.
Asking them to provide this information about themselves first.
I’m in Canada and they said they consider me a "subcontractor". I don't know what country they are in. What information in specific should I get from them before proceeding? Even if I did find them to be a legit company, in contractor scenarios is it still normal to send a copy of your id by email?
UPDATE: turned out the individual is not with a company and working for himself. He has agreed to sign a contract we are currently discussing. I'm still undecided about sending him a copy of my id.