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3 answers

How can an independent IT consultant secure a remote contract work with UK-based employers?

I am an independent IT consultant permanently based in Spain, but I don't hold EU citizenship and have no legal or economic connections to the UK. I'm struggling to secure contract work with UK-based ...
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Contractor requesting copy of contract between services company and end client

If there is a contract between A->B where A is a contractor and B a services company and another contract B->C between the services company and an end-client C, should A, the contractor be ...
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2 votes
2 answers

Is chat message considered as a legal contract?

I was told by email that I got the remote job with an agreed salary after a job interview from a US company. Then they gave me an email and Slack account for work, subsequently they asked me when can ...
sulaiman sudirman's user avatar
1 vote
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What should be explicitly stated in the contract if the job is going to be done remotely?

I am about to sign a contract with a company for which I'm going to work remotely. There could be meetings once per month, but the rest of the job is going to be done as a home office. This is going ...
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