I'm a female developer and I've been working at my current employer for 4 months. I’m new to the technology and to the business domain. I basically don’t know much about anything.
I am working on the front end of the web application and I’ve never worked back end systems in my entire life.
I need to ask the senior developer questions about what the server expects and every time I ask this person a question or ask about a possible server-side bug he rips my head off.
He gets extremely agitated and says stuff like "Your knowledge of this or that..." and shakes his head. I just started so how would I know this information?
I feel burnt out because I can’t get the information I need to do my job without being subjected some kind of hostility. I want to quit.
I find it very strange that he said he wishes there were more women in this industry but then rips my head off.
How can I stop the bullying?