I work in the IT Security profession as an IT auditor. In communicating to senior management via a late - day email about open findings soon to be due for a response, I accidentally wrote "Nigger" instead of "Bigger". It was purely accidental due to typo and I had no intention to demean. In addition, one member of the audience is African - American.
I have been praised by my manager in the past as someone who is diplomatic and poised, but also who can be effective/forceful when necessary. From the context of the sentence, it should be reasonable to infer this is a typo and not something malicious from me.
If I apologize, I feel I may just draw unwanted attention to an already embarrassing mistake, and have the reverse effect I wanted. If do not respond in a follow up email, management may think I don't care.
What approach should I take to apologize for my error?