I'MI'm 29, HIRED INTO CURRENT ENGINEERING FIRMhired into current engineering firm 3 YEARS AGO WITHyears ago with 2 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE PRIORyears of experience prior. DUE TO THE QUALITY OF THE FIRM AND NUMBER OF APPLICANTS AGAINST MEDue to the quality of the firm and number of applicants against me, I DECIDED TO OFFER COMING ON WITH A LOWER TITLE AND SALARY THAN MY EXPERIENCE LEVEL TO LAND THE JOBdecided to offer coming on with a lower title and salary than my experience level to land the job. I BELIEVE ONE SHOULD PROVE THEIR WORTH AND PRODUCTION BEFORE REAPING THE BENEFITSbelieve one should prove their worth and production before reaping the benefits.
SO FOR THE LASTSo for the last 3 YEARSyears I KEPT MY HEAD DOWN AND CHURNED OUT EXCEPTIONAL WORKkept my head down and churned out exceptional work. EACH END OF YEAREach end of year I RECEIVED THE MAXIMUM PERCENT COST OF LIVING RAISESreceived the maximum percent cost of living raises, WHICH TOLD ME THE BOSSES KNEW AND UNDERSTOODwhich told me the bosses knew and understood I WAS UNDERPAIDwas underpaid.
FINALLYFinally, I FORMALLY SUBMITTED AN OUT OF CYCLE MAJOR RAISEformally submitted an out of cycle major raise. MY BOSS ANDMy boss and I SAT DOWN AND HE UNDERSTOOD THE ISSUEsat down and he understood the issue. HE EVEN HELPED RESEARCH AND DECIDE ON A PERCENT TO REQUESTHe even helped research and decide on a percent to request. IT CAME TO AIt came to a 50%-55% RAISEraise. MY BOSS SAID IT SHOULD BE FINE BECAUSE BASED ON ALL COMPANY HR INFOMy boss said it should be fine because based on all company hr info, RESEARCHresearch, ETCetc. IT IS WHATIt is what I SHOULD HAVE BEEN MAKING FOR A WHILE NOWshould have been making for a while now.
ISSUE IS OUR FIRM WAS A SMALL PRIVATE COMPANY IN THE PASTIssue is our firm was a small private company in the past, HOWEVER IT SINCE HAS BEEN SOLD TO HUGE NATION WIDE COMPANYhowever it since has been sold to huge nation wide company. THE ORIGINAL OWNER AND ALL BOSSES ARE STILL HERE AND THEY RUN THEIR OWN SHIPThe original owner and all bosses are still here and they run their own ship 99.9% OF TIME BECAUSE WE ALWAYS MAKE PROFITof time because we always make profit. THEY ALL APPROVED THE EXACT AMOUNTThey all approved the exact amount I REQUESTED AND THEN IT WENT TO CORPORATErequested and then it went to corporate. HR CAME BACK AND SAID THEY HAVE A STRICT POLICY OF ONLY MOVING UPHr came back and said they have a strict policy of only moving up 2 POSITION TITLES AT A TIMEposition titles at a time. MY BOSSES ARGUED BUT HR WOULD GIVE NO EXPLANATIONMy bosses argued but hr would give no explanation. SOSo I ONLY RECEIVED Aonly received a 20% RAISE AND A HIGHER POSITION TITLEraise and a higher position title. THEY GAVE ME SOME BS RESOLUTION OF GIVING ME AThey gave me some bs resolution of giving me a 5% RAISE EVERYraise every 6 MONTHS TO GET ME TO WHATmonths to get me to what I WAS REQUESTINGwas requesting, BUT THAT WILL BE ANOTHERbut that will be another 3 YEARS TO ATTAIN THATyears to attain that!
WHAT WOULD YOU DOWhat would you do? I'M WORKING ON A NEW REQUESTI'm working on a new request, LISTING ANY OPTIONSlisting any options I CAN COME UP WITHcan come up with. EX Ex) ASK TO FIRE ME AND IMMEDIATELY REHIRE ME GOING THROUGH ALL THE RED TAPE SO IT WOULD NOT BE A RAISEask to fire me and immediately rehire me going through all the red tape so it would not be a raise. EX Ex) ASK FOR REMAININGask for remaining 30% INin 6 MONTHS AND MAYBE GIVE UP A PERK LIKE RESET MY VACATION TIME BACK TO A NEW HIREmonths and maybe give up a perk like reset my vacation time back to a new hire.
MY FIRM WANTS ME TO GET RAISE AND HAS RUN ALL THE NUMBERSMy firm wants me to get raise and has run all the numbers. CORPORATE IS THE PROBLEMCorporate is the problem! THANKSThanks