I am senior software developer working on a team of 6 engineers, one of them is very difficult to work with, especially when trying to change his mind during a debate or an engineering discussion.
He is a very skilled and very knowledgable developer and most of the time his stubbornness is "healthy" for the team as he ensures we follow best practices and conventions, however, some times he is wrong and it is extremely difficult for him to admit it. I really want to approach him about it and try to talk him into being a bit more open and consider the possibility that what he knows is not absolute.
What is the best way to do so without being unprofessional or mean?
Edit: We are developers of the same role and we both report to the same person on the team.
Edit 2: 3 other memebers of the team agree he is difficult to work with and extends meetings most of the time taking the meeting off topic. When I say he is wrong it's not on a point of view or opinionated topic, it's saying he is wrong about the facts. About the way a method or some part of our code works.