I'm 17 in the U.S. (California) and have found an internship with a software company. This is the second internship I've had, and have been employed over the summer once before.
They've asked me to sign on through a temp agency. In the agency's new hire paperwork, they have asked me to release all medical records. When I go to release personal information, I mentally tabulate all the information I expect to release, and seriously question the necessity of anything that isn't on that list. I did not expect to be required to release medical records.
I've called the agent, and they've assured me that this is a mandatory step of the new hire process, and I cannot come in without it. He has told me that this is required by workplace insurance to protect against litigation due to workplace accidents. However, my parents, brother, and friends can't recall a time they've ever had to release medical records to start a new job.
Additionally, they are insisting that I have the capacity to release my own medical records and can legally sign the form, even though I know perfectly well that I can't because I'm a dependent under 18.
I am fully prepared to decline the position if my suspicions are correct and this is not a reasonable request.
Should I be suspicious? What action should I take?