I started a new job and from reading between the lines I sense a tension in that my manager is not sure if I have the technical skills. I didn't lie or misrepresent my abilities in the interview. My manager asked if I had used Python at work before to which I replied "I haven't, but I know the language and have used it for personal projects and for school assignments". He replied "you write your resume in a very tricky way (chuckles)". I find resumes to be a little bit paradoxical: on one hand you want to make yourself look as good as you can be but you don't want to mislead the reader (it would be immoral to trick them and probably wouldn't benefit you if you're doing a job that you don't have a skill for).
The manager then asked how I know I'm a good programmer. What's a good response to this? I've only had one development role before and that was more as someone's assistant, so I talked about school and personal projects. He told me there's a steep learning curve and I'm going to need to learn quickly. Honestly at times I'm a slow learner, and would appreciate a little more info than, "You've got a lot to learn and not much time."
I'm picking up tension. I've been hired and the interview is over.
How should I start a dialog with my boss regarding this issue?