I work in a medical facility alongside a number of other professionals in varying capacities. I currently work in an large office with 5 other individuals. These people were all here before me - but of the 4 before me, one is very hostile towards me for reasons I do not know. My co-workers, at least the majority of them, are all female and I am one of the few males but I don't believe this is a contributing factor as she is nice to a few other males - however I am the only male of a different ethnicity.
When I first joined I was friendly to everyone and everyone was very nice, with the exception of this individual. Whenever I said "Hi, how're you doing" etc. it would always be greeted with stony silence or an indifferent 'fine'. Most recently our office has lost power to the airconditioning so the office was getting warm - they all vacated the office to work in another office temporarily. I stayed behind as the heat doesn't bother me.
She popped her head back in to grab a file and I had said; "I should probably follow in your footsteps and move to a cooler office. It's very hot in here..!" She paused and looked at me icily and expressed loudly; "Well then, why don't YOU move. HUH." and then walked off.
I'm starting to find that her behavior is causing me to lose my desire to work in my current workplace - mostly because her attitude is something which grates against my nerves. As a young professional, am I just naive in thinking if you are nice to everyone - they should be nice to you? Or should I just suck it up, ignore it and realize that no matter how hard you try not everyone will like you?
Thank you.