You can't cry vaguely about the whole project, it will make you look bad.
What you can do is focus on your strong points whatever they might be, and attempt to get your manager to give you assistance with the others.
Unfortunately for you, the three things you mentioned, time management, customer relations and coding are all core skills that even a junior should be able to handle unless expectations are unrealistic, in which case focus on what needs improvement, rather than blame yourself.
So find what in particular is causing you grief and firstly attempt to resolve it yourself, and if it's outside your control, speak to your manager about it. Quite often just identifying and working on issues methodically like this is a solution in itself.
Make the effort, this is the sort of project that can springboard your reputation and career (or severely retard it). Do not think of it as a small project, it's not, it's the most important project you have had. It's also very important to the client, they're outlaying money on it. To them it might be the most important IT project of the year and you got your name all over it.
It's easy to feel overwhelmed when you're new, cut the issues down to size and soldier through them is what worked for me. Don't be shy to ask the manager for help, but with specifics not generalisations. Document everything you do for reference and be thorough... don't let things go South, if you get stuck and really need an assist, don't sit on it, ask for help, solve that problem, move forwards to the next.