Let me preface this by noting, I put the quotations around bad because it's how I feel about the experience, I understand this may be a "good" opportunity for someone else.
I started working this internship at the beginning of the semester (in September), it's a web design unpaid internship for a fashion house. During my first week, I was thrown into the website revamp project without much guidance. I am the only individual in the company with technical knowledge so I am often given tasks without the knowledge of how it could be done, "just make it work" kind of mentality. I don't mind that kind of work, but this reminds me more of freelance rather than apprenticeship or interning. Especially when I'm the only person who even knows what HTML is.
My current mindset is that I have the knowledge and skillset to work on real projects and make real money. The website I'm working on is a Squarespace site and I feel gross every time I log in. I do all my work with attaching custom scripts, style sheets, and HTML code blocks on top of Squarespace's code (since you can't just edit pages), this leads to a lot of overlapping which is a fundamental failure in web design architecture. My code is riddled with !important
just because I need to change tags I have no access to.
I'm to the point where I work more than half the week there (for free) then go to school the other half. I've lost time to work my minimum-wage retail job (actually make some money), time to hang out with my girlfriend, and time to work on my personal projects.
How can I gracefully depart with 6 months left in my commitment? I would obviously need to give a 2-week notice, but I already know the kind of energy I will have to endure in those 2 weeks. Is there a way to quit and avoid making my last 2 weeks unnecessarily difficult?