I am working for a private software development company where there is a staff of roughly 100 odd people. Recently the management changed, as in old managers left and new managers have joined the company. The CEO is new.
Since the company is not profiting as intended the new management decided on a layoff, which I personally believe the worst option a management could take, as it tarnishes the company image. That period is over now. But the remaining employees have started to move from the organization. As senior most employees leave, their expertise is a lost to the company, which I believe cannot be replaced immediately by the juniors. Its the current trend in my office now.
Even though the management keeps promising on new projects and client engagements, there seem to be very little new projects coming into the company. We as employees, are not completely aware of the profits and losses of the company.
When should I decide that its good time to look for other opportunities outside? Is it when the company size shrinks to a certain amount or is it depending on the financial stability of the company?