The corona-epidemic has reached the city where I work. The number of cases confirmed by the authorities has been increasing day by day. My wife is pregnant. She is in the seventh month with our baby. These two things coinciding make me extremely worried. After the birth I will be taking a paternal leave to support my wife. During these two months I won't work, I won't even show up in the office. A trainee is there to cover part of my workload for this period. She arrived a couple of days ago and I am the one who trains her. As a workmate she is great and clever and eager to learn. We have covered already a lot. However today she started to show symptoms of an infection (Common cold? corona? flu? who knows..). She has been coughing definitely more than she did yesterday or the day before and she feels the need to blow her nose in every 15-20 minutes. She does not seem to have fever, though. I asked her if she is OK, and she answered, "no problem". But she keeps coughing. It's a scientific fact that corona causes only mild cases in many people, still these people are spreading the virus just like everybody else.
The management takes corona seriously. The other day we got a memo advising washing hands regularly and avoiding the office if somebody visited Vuhan or North Italy in the last 4 weeks. My trainee hasn't been in the above places but she could have contracted the virus anywhere in our city.
I do not feel comfortable sitting in the same room as a person who shows symptoms however mild those symptoms are. One can call me paranoid, I don't care: at this time of the year, having a heavily pregnant wife I just do not want to be nowhere near any person if this person keeps coughing and feels the need to regularly blow her nose. My biggest fear is getting corona and passing it to my pregnant wife. Remote work (working from home) is somewhere between hard and close to impossible for me and for her as well due to the nature of my work.
So my question is what can I do? How can I ask my manager/HR to send her to see a doctor or just stay at home for a couple of days?