Situation: Receive job offer and have questions and desire to make a counteroffer. Assume this offer has been communicated via email after a phone conversation but these principles would apply for a followup phone conversation as well.
Does the order in which you do the following matter (with respect to a formal job offer):
- Asking questions/clarifications regarding benefits, vacation, start date, etc
- Make counteroffer on salary
- Discussing perks like sign-on bonus, relocation assistance, etc
Additionally, should all this be communicated in a single email reply or should it be broken into a series of conversations?
It would seem like the order you bring these topics up could have an effect on likelihood for successful negotiation, etc, but I really don't know how this would be received by HR/hiring managers. Maybe a list of intelligent questions followed by a proposed higher salary would make it seem more likely you are really seriously considering the offer and make it more likely to be accepted or have a bit of a sunk cost investment on their part?