For reference, I'm in the US, in a particularly religious part of the country.
I've noticed that at my company, nearly any time we have a meal during work (such as a conference or office party), whoever's speaking will lead the entire room in a (very much Christian) prayer or blessing before we eat. As far as I know, many employees here are Christian, but I feel like it's presumptuous to just assume that everyone is.
Personally, I am not religious at all. I don't have a problem with people practicing their religion on a personal level. I wouldn't describe this as offensive to me, however it feels incredibly awkward, and I feel like I don't fit in. I typically just stand/sit there silently until everyone finishes.
My company is not a religious organization, so this strikes me as particularly odd, especially when this happens during important conferences where the CEO is speaking.
I know it's fairly harmless and it's really not that big of a deal, I'm just curious as to how appropriate this kind of thing is. It seems rather unusual to me, but I imagine it seems quite normal to many people and may just be a product of the company culture.
What things should be considered with respect to this sort of activity?