Linked Questions

2 votes
4 answers

Did I lowball myself out of a decent salary? [duplicate]

I finished my BS in CS this last March, and my school made claims that typical starting salaries for CS grads in my area (Portland, OR) were between $70-80K/year. As I looked around GlassDoor, it ...
user27081's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

I don't want to answer "What's your current salary?" question from extremely pushy potential employers [duplicate]

How do folks avoid the question, "What is your current salary?" Or do they? I work as a software engineer in California and am currently looking for positions. This time around, I've noticed that ...
Dave's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

should you tell a possible employer what's the minimum amount you are willing to work for? [duplicate]

When it's that time in the interview to talk money I always asked for what I considered was fair given my experience and knowledge. This amount is negotiable depending on the job. If the job is good ...
JohnDoDo's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Should I follow up with salary negotiation email? [duplicate]

I've been given a written job offer after passing all the interview process successfully. In one form I filled I said my salary expectation is 45,000 to 50,000 (this is a junior position). I was ...
EGN's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

What exceptions are there to the 'don't give a salary number first'? [duplicate]

After reading many blogs and SE questions about giving salary information there seems to be a general rule about not volunteering a salary figure before the company has given their offer. When I ...
Quinma's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Contract to Hire salary conversion? [duplicate]

I am currently a contractor working for a DOD contract company as an application developer. I will begin the process of converting over to a full time employee of the DOD company here soon. Recently ...
DWill23's user avatar
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3 answers

Rise salary expectation during interview [duplicate]

I've recently interviewed with a company, at the end of the interview, they asked me what my expected salary is. I made the mistake of saying a somewhat low range (somewhat bellow average for that ...
theguywhoasks's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

When giving a salary expectation, should I give the amount that I want or a bit more? [duplicate]

In an interview or before an offer, when the interviewer asks me to specify my salary expectation, should I give the amount that I want and then not budge if they offer less, or should I say a few ...
squarlson's user avatar
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Should you tell a recruiter what your salary expections are? [duplicate]

When sending a reasonable generic (ie not specific to a particular job) letter to a recruiter, should you mention what your salary expectations are? Or can this be used against you? - (ie recruiter ...
geekrunner's user avatar
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How to handle salary history discussion as an engineer with 3 years' experience? [duplicate]

So I've done a fair amount of research into salary negotiations, and they all seem say that not revealing one's salary history is best. They even have little scripts for the types of conversations ...
orange1's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

When one's asked about contract rate, is it ever OK to do any of the following [duplicate]

Put it back to the employer first by asking what they are thinking of offering before answering? State a rate but also say that it is negotiable? And if so should a % for negotiation ever be stated? ...
SLim's user avatar
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0 votes
4 answers

should i tell a company what i expect in salary? [duplicate]

I'm applying for my boss's job this week, since she's leaving the company. The application process has a field for salary expectation to see if, "... our expectations are in line." Should I put ...
user49753's user avatar
65 votes
14 answers

Is it okay to refuse entirely to answer "desired salary" question?

I am finishing up a graduate degree and am looking for my first full-time job. I recently had a second interview (Skype) with a place I'm interested in and the interviewer asked me what my desired ...
NeutronStar's user avatar
97 votes
11 answers

How to respond to a direct ask of salary earned and expectations?

What is the best way to fill out an application form for a role with an unspecified salary expectation where the following questions are mandatory to complete in a pre-interview form: What is your ...
Dibstar's user avatar
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8 answers

In a business where staff churn is costly, should I let employees lead and request their salary increase?

I've asked the same question on the Economics Stack Exchange here to get answers from the perspective of applied economic theory. I'm the managing director of a company in which we run appraisals ...
Kevin Monk's user avatar

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