A month ago I received two surgeries done on my hands for carpal tunnel and trigger fingers, my. My short turn disability has ended, and I'm still sore, my. My Dr. Wrotewrote a note to HR for light work, My.
My Dr. sends all medical notes to HR, and HR has not answered me back telling me to come back to work, I. I have been calling for days and leaving messages to please call me back in.
I need to go back to work and HR areis not responding, I also call the HR assistanceassistant and leave the same leaving messages but no one respondresponds. I
I should behave been at work 33 days ago, my short turn dessabity enddisability has run out , and I have to pay bills.
Should the company pay me for those days? They They don't answer my calls so its theytheir fault I'm not back to work. Please
Please let me know what else I should do.