I've been working for three months in a software start-up. This is my first job after graduating university. The deal was that I would work for at least three months subject to evaluation, with the possibility of continuing if my boss liked my work. It was I who proposed this arrangement, because I wasn´t really sure if programming was "my thing", so I wanted be really sure before really commiting for a longer time. I was transparent about this and he seemed okay with it.
My performance has been good (at least he hasn't said anything bad to me about it), so I can continue next year. I liked the job, so I decided to continue too. The thing is, I hadn´t taken a vacation in more than a year and I'm really burnt out, so I asked him not to work January-February(with no pay) and come back in March. Again he seemed okay with this. Clearly it wasn't the best for him, but he agreed.
I want to ask one more thing: to work part-time from March onwards, with reduced pay. I want to try new things (maybe start my own business, write, etc) and I would really love to have more free time to do these things. Ideally I would work 3 or 4 days a week. Other colleagues work part-time, but it is only in a temporary way, while they complete degrees or things like that.
Am I f****d for not talking these things before with my boss? Am I asking too much? Am I an entitled millenial who doesn't know how the real world works? Or is it a reasonable request?
Please excuse any grammatical errors, English is not my first language. Thanks for your advice.