I am a software developer in the UK, I am currently searching for a new job. Among the various methods I'm using are recruiters.
I understand that the normal workflow of a typical recruiter will involve a phone call. However, my personal circumstances prevent me from taking phone calls or using Skype. It is an impossibility. I don't have any personal conditions that mean I cannot perform my work, or enter discussions in person, etc. Other aspects of my current situation preclude it. This applies to outside working hours.
How can I effectively communicate that I cannot undertake that part of their preferred process, and would gladly enter into an alternative?
Occasionally an e-mail exchange with a recruiter will proceed something like:
[Introduction: thank you, reiterate purpose of message, discussion of skills and applicability to the invited role, etc.]
I can be contacted by e-mail or post at the addresses given in my CV; I am also available for in-person meetings to discuss the position. Please be aware I am not available for phone calls.
To which they would reply: (often within minutes)
Are you available for me to call you?
To which I simply don't know how to respond, other than to repeat that: no, I'm not.
(n.b. Please consider my situation as axiomatic. If you'd like to challenge the prerequisite, you're not answering my question. Please do so in another question.)