I've worked at my current job for about 4 months. My previous stints are 10 years and 6 years.
After my interview, I asked to walk through the office and see what it is like. Unfortunately, my now-boss walked me through a completely different part of the office from where we sit, on another floor, which is quiet and well lit. I accepted the offer and for the last 4 months have been working in an area with no lighting, no windows, and constant loud hyena laughter/shouting/yelling for 6+ hours a day (these conversations are not work related).
On top of this, the company does not allow working from home. I'm not allowed to work from any other part of the building either- such as the patio outside, the cafeteria (which has a full wall of windows), or any other space that is more functional than the office.
Additionally, my desk is nearly at shoulder height and my chair is very short - it's not broken, they are all like this - leading me to have shoulder and neck pain from holding my arms up at an awkward angle all day.
I'm basically unable to get any work done.
I've addressed all these issues with my boss over the last 4 months and every time he just shrugs it off. His primary solution is to assign everyone less work to account for the "distractions".
My predecessor, the last person to have this job, left after 4 or 5 months. The position was open for two years before my company hired me. I should think the 2 year wait should give me some additional leverage.
What can I do to make clear to my boss that (a) l I'm on the verge of resigning over these issues (b) he has to fix this, with the solutions I have proposed to him in the past or with some of his own ideas.