Our company's entire product team was let go (a few months ago) because of differences with key executives (on how the product should evolve). This team had product discipline and thought independently.
The executives quickly assembled an entirely new product team with players that were not recommended by the interview panel. The new team has been moved down the organization structure, presumably to clip their wings. The new team is keen on impressing the executives and they have made it clear that the team should toe the line.
I am having to work with one of the new team members. This new member
- doesn't listen to what I am saying and hears what He wants to hear. What He wants to hear is mostly based on his negative assumptions about existing processes and products. During a product orientation session, I was demoing a neat feature of our product (one that has received several accolades from our clients). The new member started snickering for a few seconds and attributed the feature to unrelated product issues.
- acts like all existing team members don't care about the product and He is the only one that truly cares about it. On one occasion, an executive reported a typo in the about page of the product (a low priority bug) and He disrupted the entire engineering team because He had promised a "momentary" fix to the executive.
These are my questions:
- When He makes such negative assumptions, how do I firmly (but professionally) call it out? Besides calling it out, is there something else I can do to suppress this behavior in him?
- Under pressure (from people like this new guy that has the ear of the top management) I tend to take shortcuts to deliver "momentary" fixes (that this guy is more than happy to promise). I take my work seriously and care about it (it is more than a 9 to 5 for me). I understand that these shortcuts are detrimental to the product in the long run. How can I stay true to my values and not give in (If I take more time, He might report to the higher-ups that I am not as committed to a quick solution as He is)?
- Are there solutions (to deal with this guy) that I am not thinking of?
- If you have come across such characters, are there other issues I should expect?