I have been working in cybersecurity division at my employer for about 8 years and I'm the technical lead / team lead. I have 5 direct reports, with my manager having 9, including me. Our team is a subset of the larger cybersecurity division with about 50 people.
Since I was promoted to team lead, I have been holding daily office hours for 1 hour per day. These are meant to allow any of my direct reports to request help, discuss work in progress, solicit feedback on performance etc. All team members are encouraged to contribute and speak their minds.
Recently, I have encountered a problem that this 1 hour is becoming inadequate as a result of a few team members taking up the entire time slot for their agenda items, to the detriment that other attendees do not have sufficient time allocated to their issues they wanted to discuss. Example agenda items team members brought up included highly technical questions of pen test findings, vulnerability scanning strategy, and cybersecurity incident response updates. To make matters worse, team members are not on an equal playing field experience or skills wise.
I pride myself as a manager who is collegial, fair, transparent, and open. I am often in many meetings so extending office hours does not seem like a viable long term option.
Edit to respond to comments and answers
The office hours is limited to my 5 direct reports only, not the larger cybersecurity division of 50. The goal is make it a safe space where mentoring can occur and group members can request help from me, and also peer feedback from others on my team.
To give an example, a vulnerability scan is complete and team members have completed written analysis on the initial results. Now they attend office hours to confirm if their analysis is sound or need peer feedback to complete analysis on a particular vulnerability.
There is structure, just that uneven experience levels are creating a time crunch to detriment of other office hour attendees.
What can I do to accommodate all team members during office hours so no one is left out?