I work in the cybersecurity division of my company in United States as a team lead / technical lead, managing a team of 9 security analysts. I worked at my current company for close to 9 years and am well respected by both management and my peers. To manage team work, we use Kanban Agile method with a board showing tasks to be done.
During the most recent 1:1 , my manager commended me on my management style, how I delegate well and don't micromanage. He said he appreciates me mentoring team members such as asking my junior team members whether there are specific projects they want to work on, and me providing coaching but not commands.
However, during most recent 1:1 with 2 specific team members, they said they prefer more direction from team manager (my manager) in what to work on. I said I was given the authority by my manager for team members to first suggest what backlog items to work on, and if they want to work on anything, to just let me know, and I will usually approve unless exceptional circumstances exist. They said they don't to be seen as too forward / disrespectful, which surprised me, as I consider initiative to be expected and directly saying what one wants is desirable, not rude or presumptuous.
All other 7 team members are comfortable with my fairly informal management style. These 2 team members , though while doing excellent work, seems to be resisting unless more formal direction from the true team manager is received. Its like they don't perceive me with influence just because my title does not have manager in it.
How do I talk to them to find out why they are resisting informal management?
What can I do to have these 2 team members show more trust in me, / recognize my influence?