Recently my company (of 10 people) moved to a new building, where we share the floor with another company (also of about 10 people). We don't share offices, just the coffee machine.
Because they receive clients in a meeting room next to the coffee machine, talking at the coffee machine is discouraged. That makes it hard to get to know them, even though we share a space.
To allow us to get to know each other, our team has invited them on a Friday afternoon drink, which invitation they happily accepted.
To actually get to know names and jobs, I was wondering if there are is any easy game-like thing we could do to encourage this. It should mainly be fun! Any ideas?
edit: In response to the comments: it doesn't have to be a game. Just something to 'guide' people. Regarding the culture: we're programmers, they have both programmers and advisers. We're in The Netherlands, which has a very open culture by itself.