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22 votes

How can I persuade colleagues to turn their computers off when leaving the office?

I regard this as a colossal waste of electricity It's probably not as bad as you think - unless they have been specifically setup otherwise most modern laptops proactively reduce power consumption ...
motosubatsu's user avatar
  • 110k
14 votes

How can I persuade colleagues to turn their computers off when leaving the office?

The best way to have this happen is to show a benefit to the company. In this answer, the power usage ...
James's user avatar
  • 179
14 votes

How to propose to my Company to add recycle bins in the common areas?

You want to change something that is normally the responsibility of others in your company, and others may have a different view on that - or have already evaluated and discarded it. So tread lightly, ...
Daniel's user avatar
  • 22.3k
5 votes

How to propose to my Company to add recycle bins in the common areas?

When I joined my current team, I noticed that we consumed a lot of canned/bottled drinks and had no recycling bins. I asked the office manager (who's responsible for the whole floor, not just us), ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
4 votes

How can I persuade colleagues to turn their computers off when leaving the office?

Office admin would look after these issues as it's in their job description. You can just convey your concern and check if the administrator knows about it. Most laptops would go to sleep if there ...
Stupid_Intern's user avatar
3 votes

How to propose to my Company to add recycle bins in the common areas?

To send a simple email to HR proposing to add recycle bins in the common areas Which of these options would HR be most likely receive better? This is the option that would be best received by ...
Joe Strazzere's user avatar
2 votes

How should I prepare for joing an "Environmental issues" committee?

Given that you know nothing about what to do or what to expect, I'm going to take a very wild guess and say they're not really expecting you to solve world hunger problems. The most likely thing that'...
Dan's user avatar
  • 21.1k
2 votes

How should I prepare for joing an "Environmental issues" committee?

A good starting point would be to familiarize yourself with any existing company procedures - health and safety, disposal of toxic materials and the like. Any organization big enough to want a ...
Simon B's user avatar
  • 14.7k
1 vote

How should I prepare for joing an "Environmental issues" committee?

In a company like yours, an environmental committee will probably focus on materials, potentially toxic, used in manufacturing. I suggest you find some Material Safety Data Sheets ( yes, they are a ...
O. Jones's user avatar
  • 26.7k
1 vote

How can I persuade colleagues to turn their computers off when leaving the office?

If you are concerned with saving electricity at the office, then the power consumed by a few laptops being left on overnight is nowhere near the amount of energy consumed by the office's air ...
sf02's user avatar
  • 79.6k
1 vote

How can I persuade colleagues to turn their computers off when leaving the office?

In my department all of us (7) leave their PC on during the night. The reason is, that we do not want to start all the programs again, when coming to work. EDIT: My point is, you cannot make me ...
QEDemonstrandum's user avatar

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