I've been really, really struggling with workplace related stress and depression. Recently, my companies HR department sent out a survey to check the mental health of the company. I decided to respond honestly, that I was struggling. This resulted in a meeting with HR where I described the reasons I was getting stressed and depressed.
Whilst they were nice, they only really offered to follow up one thing to change with my work load (in a very indirect way). They kind of implied - nicely - the rest was my own problem and that I should be seeking professional help for the stress and depression.
Today I had an overwhelming amount of work to do and a huge amount of pressure, which ultimately lead to a panic attack. I'm really at the point where I need things to change for my own health.
I'm kind of in two minds about this - I'm at the point where I almost no longer care if I lose the job, but at the same time something is telling me not to rock the boat to much and to not tell HR about mental health issues.
What's the correct thing to do? Should I tell HR that I am having a very tough time or just shut up and deal with it?
Edit with clarifications:
Country is Australia. The survey was voluntary and you could be anonymous if you wished. The survey came after a national mental health awareness day.
I also feel I should make a clarification on a point as maybe I worded things wrongly: It is my belief the the stress and depression I mentioned is due to the work environment and load, not a personal problem I already have that I bring to work. Perhaps I was wrong to do so but I initially contacted HR with the same mindset someone would contact them about an OHAS concern.