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80 votes

What are reasonable dietary preferences to expect employers to accommodate?

It is perfectly acceptable to ask your employer if they could include vegetables in the finger food. There are plenty of options, like snack tomatoes, mini carrots, party cucumbers, pickles, slices of ...
BrtH's user avatar
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32 votes

What are reasonable dietary preferences to expect employers to accommodate?

Bringing your own lunch is the safest bet. It may be awkward the first time, but I really think that your co-workers would be understanding. Utilizing your employer to clearly relay your dietary ...
Xavier J's user avatar
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21 votes

Talk to Office Food Thief?

The problem is you're trying to react with politeness to something that is very much not polite. You have two options: Tell her that taking food from your area is rude and you'd like it to stop. (...
thursdaysgeek's user avatar
20 votes

Etiquette concerning food that has gone bad in fridges at work

Unfortunately their are a surprising amount of idiots who cannot behave like adults and keep track of their own food. Setting rules and posting guideline doesn't help. The idiots will simply ignore ...
Hilmar's user avatar
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15 votes

What are reasonable dietary preferences to expect employers to accommodate?

Is this the sort of thing most people would mention and try be accommodated? Or would most people try and handle it themselves? Honestly from what you describe as being suitable - I think this would ...
motosubatsu's user avatar
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14 votes

Is it okay to eat or take food in refrigerator of workplace after cleanout time?

Is it ethical to eat or take the food that is still left inside the refrigerator after the clean-out time? No. It is not OK to take somebody else's food. Even if the food will soon be thrown in the ...
mhoran_psprep's user avatar
14 votes

What are reasonable dietary preferences to expect employers to accommodate?

One option I don't see mentioned here is trying to eat what's offered your own way. For instance, if it's sub sandwiches, take two and just eat the meat, cheese & veggies out of them. Or eat the ...
G. Ann - SonarSource Team's user avatar
12 votes

What constitutes the start of a 15 minute break in the province of British Columbia, Canada?

From Employers are not required to provide coffee breaks. Therefore, any conditions ...
Gregory Currie's user avatar
11 votes

Talk to Office Food Thief?

If you can't lock your drawer, get a container (box, bag, whatever) with a lock on it and keep that in your drawer. Breaking the lock or stealing the whole container is a step up from stealing the ...
Keith Thompson's user avatar
9 votes

Is it unprofessional to order food after an interview?

If you've been going there for a while then it seems perfectly normal to eat there afterwards - as long as it doesn't look like you're spending an excessive amount of money or leaving an unusually ...
Gh0stFish's user avatar
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9 votes

What Kind Of Keto-friendly Office Treat Can I Bring In Since Pastries Are Not An Option?

On my new team however, there is one person who is on a strict Keto diet for their diabetes - I do not want to exclude this person, but I would still like to bring something in that everyone can enjoy ...
motosubatsu's user avatar
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8 votes

Is it okay to eat or take food in refrigerator of workplace after cleanout time?

Is it ethical to eat or take the food that is still left inside the refrigerator after the clean-out time? If you are not designated cleaning person, leave it be. Taking other people's stuff just ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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8 votes

Talk to Office Food Thief?

This is also popcorn that my coworker keeps inside or under his desk, so she is going into his personal space. This isn't your battle to fight. Regardless if you bought the popcorn or not. If you ...
joeqwerty's user avatar
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6 votes

What are reasonable dietary preferences to expect employers to accommodate?

There is a spectrum of what dietary options someone (be it a company or person) is willing to cater for, and that line will be drawn subjectively. My current employer would likely be more than happy ...
Flater's user avatar
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5 votes

What Kind Of Keto-friendly Office Treat Can I Bring In Since Pastries Are Not An Option?

Employee snacks can be a surprisingly contentious topic! It's hard to please everyone, and the more people there are, the more impossible this becomes, but in terms of keto, you have some fairly easy ...
JamieB's user avatar
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5 votes

Etiquette concerning food that has gone bad in fridges at work

It is better to put a note on the fridge few days before cleaning it to warn that the spoilt food will be thrown a way at a certain date. Then leave the note for a couple of weeks after the clean up. ...
FluidCode's user avatar
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5 votes

Etiquette concerning food that has gone bad in fridges at work

Throwing out bad food is Ok, but that won’t stop people from complaining, and that is the real problem. If this happens, take photos of the food that can serve as evidence. “Why did you throw out my ...
gnasher729's user avatar
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4 votes

What are reasonable dietary preferences to expect employers to accommodate?

Where I live, it is customary for the employer to provide food and for lunches to be communal. We had a coworker who was on an elimination diet for some health issues and she brought yogurt with her ...
Emmy's user avatar
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4 votes

Talk to Office Food Thief?

First off, forget about other people's property. Even if you paid for it as a gift, it is no longer your property to be concerned with. If the person you are gifting the popcorn does not care about it ...
musefan's user avatar
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3 votes

What are reasonable dietary preferences to expect employers to accommodate?

I follow a similar diet to keep my weight & type 2 diabetes under control. I understand what you mean about these things typically being very carb-heavy. Even the 'healthy' fruit platter that is ...
Saes's user avatar
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3 votes

Etiquette concerning food that has gone bad in fridges at work

The people responsible for the moldy food either don't care, don't work there anymore or have legitimately forgotten about it. Because of that, there is no point in trying to play a game of "who'...
Squary94's user avatar
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3 votes

What are reasonable dietary preferences to expect employers to accommodate?

Aim for a casual conversation and see how they feel about the situation. You could tell them you are happy to bring your own party-style finger food (no reason you cannot adjust your home made lunches ...
David's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it okay to eat or take food in refrigerator of workplace after cleanout time?

What a question! Not only is it completely unethical, but it's also incredibly unwise. Food left in the fridge is left there on an honors-system approach, but you can find countless instances of ...
Xavier J's user avatar
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2 votes

Is the default to at least pretend to be vegetarian?

But firstly, another person told me that while the vegetarian said she did not mind, she really did. It doesn't matter how she felt. In life, there will always be people who don't like what you do. ...
Stephan Branczyk's user avatar
2 votes

Is the default to at least pretend to be vegetarian?

Do you like vegetarian food? If yes, order vegetarian food. Do you feel bad about the suffering of animals? If you feel bad enough, order vegetarian food. Are you allergic to protein? If yes, order ...
gnasher729's user avatar
  • 170k
2 votes

Is it unprofessional to order food after an interview?

I would say that is not problem. The main reason is that you wrote that "that also is my go to breakfast spot". Most workers at that restaurant already know that you are a regular customer. ...
Job_September_2020's user avatar
2 votes

Is it unprofessional to order food after an interview?

If you have to ask, you already know the answer. Avoid it. Get an early breakfast or late one or carry a breakfast energy bar. There are several other alternatives to avoid eating breakfast at the ...
PagMax's user avatar
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1 vote

What are reasonable dietary preferences to expect employers to accommodate?

It may be an inconvenience, but only for the caterer. It should not be much of a problem for employer. I don't think dietary concerns should be unreasonable for an employer that is willing to buy ...
Neil Meyer's user avatar
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