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Questions referring to how one presents themselves and interacts with others in a professional environment

2 votes

Late ask for on call

My current view is that the weekend on-call shouldn't be done. Is it the correct decision? How do I politely express my concern to the client? In general, on-call happens, and it does happen on t …
FrustratedWithFormsDesigner's user avatar
3 votes

Professional Designation Etiquette

When/where is it appropriate to place professional designations after your name? To me, it seems like using them in every email may come across a bit “overzealous.” Hence, the etiquette part of the …
FrustratedWithFormsDesigner's user avatar
98 votes

Is it right to expect my co-workers to have the same dedication to work as me?

Here I am - who skipped his dinner yesterday, skipped the breakfast today See, this isn't healthy. It will lead to burn-out and then you won't have any motivation left to do your work, and when y …
Mark Rogers's user avatar
1 vote

Follow up email when hiring manager doesn't call

You could say something very simple along the lines of: Hi ${PEER}, I haven't heard back from the hiring manager at your company. Have you heard anything? Thanks, ${ME} I used this s …
FrustratedWithFormsDesigner's user avatar
5 votes

Etiquette of business hospitality dinners

As has already been pointed out, the purpose of these dinners is primarily to serve the out-of-town guest. I understand it would be nice to have more than one day's notice, especially if you find your …
FrustratedWithFormsDesigner's user avatar
46 votes
6 answers

The etiquette of connecting with recruiters on networking sites

I sometimes get contacted by recruiters on sites such as LinkedIn, asking if I am interested in a job they have available, and they usually want to make a formal connection on the network to share mor …
2 votes

Telling a friend why they weren't hired

If you think you can spin it in a way that might help your friend get a job next time, then it's probably Ok. For example, if the reason was poor interview skills, you could try to offer constructive …
FrustratedWithFormsDesigner's user avatar
6 votes

What is the professional way to deal with coworkers with disabilities?

Yet the doctor's appointment wasn't scheduled or informed ahead of time It is proper etiquette to inform team members well in advance when any absence from work is known ahead of time. This shoul …
FrustratedWithFormsDesigner's user avatar
8 votes

Asking/requiring Employees to promote the company using their social media

If an employee does not use social media (they don't have a facebook account, don't use twitter), you can't really require them to use their own social media accounts to promote the company. If they a …
FrustratedWithFormsDesigner's user avatar
3 votes

How can I find companies with strong teamwork when searching for a job?

The best thing you could do is ask the right questions in an interview, but I'm not sure even then it would work. You can try asking questions like: What kind of teamwork culture do you guys have …
FrustratedWithFormsDesigner's user avatar
21 votes
4 answers

What is the etiquette around discussing interview for new positions with my current coworkers?

I'm not sure what is the etiquette of discussing with coworkers if I am interviewing at other companies... Several days ago, a few of us were standing around and the team lead made a joke that he hop …
6 votes

How much is too much when displaying personal effects in a professional working environment?

It's not clear from your question just what would happen if your desk did not look "professional". Do you have clients walking past your desk? Would they think poorly of you/your company if they saw p …
FrustratedWithFormsDesigner's user avatar
3 votes

Is it proper etiquette to alert a team with an email in addition to a ticket?

The answer is: it depends. You could always ask your co-workers if they are OK with getting the extra email. It really depends on the ticketing system (or any other system that sends automated emai …
FrustratedWithFormsDesigner's user avatar
6 votes

How can you fix someone else's work without seeming pretentious, mean, or arrogant?

You think they did things wrong, but before you confront them, have you considered why they might have done the things they've done? Possible reasons I can think of (and have seen) that the senior de …
FrustratedWithFormsDesigner's user avatar
10 votes

Should I attend a company function?

I think in the long run, the team-building that this picnic offers is probably much more important than the half-day of pay. Unless you really need that money, go have fun at the picnic!
FrustratedWithFormsDesigner's user avatar

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