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Questions dealing with workplace-related stress.
Can anything be done about an atmosphere of finger pointing?
The situation: You are told what to do by someone. You may or may not understand exactly what they are asking you to do. They may or may not have been telling you to do what actually needs to be done. …
stressed manager asking for more stress
A lot of stress is self inflicted by saying "yes" to requests for work when you know or should know it's too much to handle. By saying "no" all these worries and stress go away. … It's not the problems or the work that cause stress, it's the fact that you worry about them and let them stress you. …
How do you take on less stress in a role than your predecessor did?
Which was of course impossible, so he produced some half-arsed and incomplete results, had lots of stress, had a bad reputation, gave his team a bad reputation, and stress, and everyone was unhappy. … Stress kills your productivity, and long term it kills you. So both as a good employee, and as a selfish person, you do what you can to block stress off. …
What to do about a teammate who is burnt out
It seems that in every profession except software development people have got the message that working overtime will reduce your productivity. And not just the productivity per hour, but absolute prod …
Is stress expected this soon in my career?
You are asking whether there should be that amount of stress that early in your career (at 21), but in reality you just don't have the experience yet to get rid of the stress. … And then there is the stress. And I must tell you, the stress is produced by you. …
Switch from full time to part time due to illness
Don't worry about letting your colleagues down. What if it was the other way round, if you were totally healthy, and a colleague wanted to reduce their hours because of bad health, would you feel let …
How to overcome fear while digging in HUGE code?
If this is really depressing you: Depression is an illness. If you are suffering from depression, then you need to seek medical help. If rummaging around in a 19 year old code base depresses you, then …
How can one interview somebody for a job requiring work under severe stress?
I can't work under stress at all. I solve this problem by not letting anything stress me. If I had to fix a problem at 3am in the morning that costs the company $10,000 an hour, that's not stressful. … The money isn't my money, so that doesn't stress me. If I had a supervisor wanting a status report every ten minutes I'd tell them to **** off ahem go and pester someone else, I have work to do. …
Deal with toxic manager when you can't quit
To reduce the stress: Stop caring. After 8 hours work a day, stop working. If the manager makes it hard to leave, stop working and get overtime pay without working. … It’s only stress if you care.
@strader: You wouldn't feel belittled if your five year old son said "I could have done that in an hour". …
Missed my contract renewal deadline due to boss not communicating it by email, how to respond?
You say the boss doesn't take full responsibility for an error, when you don't even know that an error was made at all. All you have is hearsay.
You have an email saying there is a deadline in Augus …
How to handle an increasingly 'hostile' working environment?
There is lots of work to do, but everything is handled without any stress. … And usually the fact that you decided to leave makes the old job easier to handle - because stress is mostly produced by yourself. …
How can I learn to care less because it makes me sick?
The stress of taking on all that is going wrong is already causing you severe health problems. Tinnitus is no joke. Go back to your doctor and tell him that you have severe stress, because you do. … Stress isn't only what other people cause us, but you can produce stress yourself and you seem to do a very good job at it. You know yourself that you need to stop this. …
How do I explain to my boss that a coworker isn't capable?
"I don't know how to tell him". For example: "Hey boss, there is no way we can hit this deadline". You can add "I have been working overtime for four weeks, and I'm tiring out, so you can't expect muc …
I will be resigning due to an inability to finish my work, how to prevent in the future?
But that's not what's causing you stress, you create the stress yourself. When such a situation arrives, what you tell yourself is: Sales created this problem. … If you can't sleep because you stress about unfinished problems, hand the stress over to him. You go to sleep, he doesn't. Much better for you. …
How to handle a colleague that can't handle stress and makes poor decisions but can work hard
I figured it out myself, and since then I let nothing stress me out. If there is pressure, I don’t stress but focus, but if a deadline is missed, that’s my bosses problem.
He doesn’t know this yet. …