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Seth R's user avatar
Seth R
  • Member for 8 years
  • Last seen more than a week ago
3 votes

Will not replying to a recruiter's reachout message on Linkedin affect chance in the future?

3 votes

Is it a good idea to write a "straight to the point" cover letter?

3 votes

New at a job and it feels like everything is too fast, should I tell my boss?

2 votes

How to present myself being a jack of all trades?

2 votes

Inexperienced manager - is it a red flag?

2 votes

Should I inform my team about an upcoming surgery?

2 votes

Is it ok to bring my concerns of missing my old position up?

2 votes

How to tactfully move offer discussion from phone call to email?

2 votes

Dealing with a coworker who never works

2 votes

Should I submit an incomplete technical interview assignment?

2 votes

What do recruiters mean when asking for an 'updated resume'?

2 votes

Interviewing with a large corporation ahead of possible IPO

1 vote

How to best sell advantages of a very independent software internship?

1 vote

Manager quitting, should I ask boss to take new responsibilities?

1 vote

How much "power" do I have as a developer in a non-tech company

1 vote

How do I get my boss to understand something is going to be a lot harder than he conceptualizes?

1 vote

Software companies who train from scratch: what's the catch?

1 vote

Do I need a special resume when applying for local government jobs?

1 vote

Automute on Zoom

1 vote

Software Engineer Levels

0 votes

What is "bridge to retirement"

0 votes

What would my industry-wide job title be, seeing as I don't code enough to really call myself a developer?

0 votes

What is preferred? Long explanatory e-mail or short introduction with necessary followup?

0 votes

Can I take a taxi or should I use public transport when the interviewing company is covering my travel costs?

0 votes

My performance recently seems really poor, but why is everyone acting like it's OK?

0 votes

Is it okay to leave job without notice if the contract ends?

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