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174 votes

Lied on resume about obtaining a Bachelor degree

If you really full fledged lied, you're probably hosed. If you just listed as having attended the university, you might be okay. The whole purpose of a background check is to verify that "this ...
Neo's user avatar
  • 85k
139 votes

Is finishing my CS degree critical to being employable as a web developer if I already have good experience and an internship?

Two points: A degree is more than technical skills. Web Development "high-demand skills" go obsolete every 5 years. I've been around before Google existed. Hard to imagine, but the ...
Nelson's user avatar
  • 14k
136 votes

Stuck as a solo dev

Yes, you are a developer. You designed something. You built it You sold it. You maintained it. You are a million miles ahead of most of the people calling themselves developers. Focus on your long-...
DogBoy37's user avatar
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107 votes

Inflated grade on resume at previous job, might former employer tell new employer?

I know they are going to confirm degree with previous employer as I am a recent graduate, and they will know that I lied. Why would they do that? I'm uncertain why they would call your employer ...
Dan's user avatar
  • 21.1k
89 votes

Did I lie on my resume by not mentioning I didn't complete my degree?

People who make sloppy assumptions have only themselves to blame Putting "dropped out" or "incomplete" beside your education would be like putting "terminated" beside past jobs where your contract ...
Matthew Gaiser's user avatar
81 votes

Will listing my major GPA instead of my cumulative GPA on my resume cause problems?

This is almost certainly a non-issue. If it comes up clarify it then. Do not quit on the very off chance of you getting fired. Do not bring it up. Just do your job and do it well and I assure you they ...
Summer's user avatar
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73 votes

Should I say I have a Bachelor Degree when actually my degree is another one?

Is it unethical/wrong to say I have a Bachelor Degree when applying in other countries that doesn't have this kind of degree (Technologic)? Yes it is. It's simply wrong. In some European countries, ...
nvoigt's user avatar
  • 146k
68 votes

Do I need to convey to foreign recruiters that the education I received from a Catholic university was in no way religious?

It is a non-issue In the Unites States. There are hundreds of Universities and Colleges with religious affiliations in the Unites States. These include places with obvious religious connections: ...
mhoran_psprep's user avatar
64 votes

Is finishing my CS degree critical to being employable as a web developer if I already have good experience and an internship?

A CS education (including a college degree) will teach you timeless concepts. It may use seemingly outdated languages for that, but it's the concepts that matter, not whether you place the semicolon ...
nvoigt's user avatar
  • 146k
62 votes

Should I say I have a Bachelor Degree when actually my degree is another one?

It would be deceptive to list your degree as a Bachelors when it isn't a Bachelors. If you're showing your studies on a CV, and you're afraid that people from other regions will not know what a "...
dwizum's user avatar
  • 43.6k
62 votes

Will listing my major GPA instead of my cumulative GPA on my resume cause problems?

You're four years out of college? Dude - nobody cares about your GPA anymore. Just leave it alone. Don't go to your boss, don't go to HR, don't mention it at all to anyone. Good, bad, or indifferent, ...
Bob Jarvis - Слава Україні's user avatar
43 votes

How to deal with old-school administrators not understanding my methods

There are two important differences between this round with the admin than your previous interaction with them: Proof and Evidence First you have at least a few years of using your teaching techniques....
Anketam's user avatar
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38 votes

Lied on resume about obtaining a Bachelor degree

Judgments aside, I suggest coming clean. Waiting to come clean will not change their response when you come clean, and if you wait until they find out on their own then I think you know what'll happen:...
dbeer's user avatar
  • 12k
36 votes

Do I need to convey to foreign recruiters that the education I received from a Catholic university was in no way religious?

I graduated with a Bachelor's Degreee in Computer Science from a fairly well-known, very conservative Christian university in the United States. When I was looking for a job, I was concerned that ...
brokethebuildagain's user avatar
35 votes

Did I lie on my resume by not mentioning I didn't complete my degree?

This is somewhat location specific, but also depends on what you refer to as "Course". If you are referring to a class you took at an institute, like: CS 101, University of Stack Exchange, 2019-...
user-2147482637's user avatar
33 votes

Should I list my 3-years PhD in 'Education' or 'Experience' on LinkedIn?

I am wondering where I should list the three years of PhD on my LinkedIn profile Chose Option 3 The third bullet you provided is the way to go, put it in both locations. It looks like, and is ...
Neo's user avatar
  • 85k
30 votes

Inflated grade on resume at previous job, might former employer tell new employer?

TL;DR You're overthinking it, it's all in your head! A company is not going to call a previous employer - even if it's your first employer or a company in which you were an intern - and talk about ...
Jawad's user avatar
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28 votes

Inflated grade on resume at previous job, might former employer tell new employer?

So, from your statement, what you did Made a typo in the CV, however produced documentation with actual grades. The company never cross-checked the documents and went ahead with having your record ...
Sourav Ghosh's user avatar
  • 73.8k
27 votes

Will job offer be rescinded after education check due to unfinished degree?

The ceremony of graduation is less important. I assume that even a stray cat might be able to walk it :D Getting serious again, it is of highest importance for you to clarify your graduation ...
virolino's user avatar
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25 votes

University renamed degree after I graduated

It's probably good to have the resume or CV match your paperwork, but that doesn't mean you can't use both titles. On the resume, simply list your degree and the new name in parentheses: Art ...
thursdaysgeek's user avatar
25 votes

Did I lie on my resume by not mentioning I didn't complete my degree?

is my resume misleading? Let me ask another question: Why are you not simply marking the education entry as "not completed"? That would remove all ambiguity. But unless you haven't thought of this ...
ig-dev's user avatar
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24 votes

Is finishing my CS degree critical to being employable as a web developer if I already have good experience and an internship?

While the other answers are good, they are extremely on the pro-degree side, and I think it's only fair to shine the light on the other side of the world. Is finishing my CS degree critical to being ...
Aida Paul's user avatar
  • 35.8k
23 votes

Should I list my 3-years PhD in 'Education' or 'Experience' on LinkedIn?

As the others have answered, I would put it in both. Format it to be something like: Experience Teaching Assistant - University of XYZ - 2014-2017 Responsible for supervising ...
Michael's user avatar
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23 votes

Will job offer be rescinded after education check due to unfinished degree?

Two already good answers. but I think there something vital still missing. If I were a hiring manager and you told me this story, my first thought would be not about the degree itself but: "This ...
Hilmar's user avatar
  • 128k
21 votes

Lied on resume about obtaining a Bachelor degree

If you should or not confess is really up to you. If you decide to, perhaps the best approach for you would be to contact them (right away) explaining you sent an incorrect resume, and including one ...
DarkCygnus's user avatar
  • 83.6k
21 votes

Is my unrelated Master's degree worth anything if I want to get into software development?

I’m a senior software engineer, and I too have an unusual academic background (a bachelors in English Literature). I've interviewed quite a few people for web developer roles. So let me give you my ...
Jimmy Breck-McKye's user avatar
21 votes

How to professionally handle being asked about A-level grades (University entry) despite having a Masters?

You said, I think it is actually quite rude, implying I have a Mickey Mouse education. As much as you're entitled to your opinion, that strikes me as reading far too much in to what they've asked. ...
dwizum's user avatar
  • 43.6k
19 votes

Lied on resume about obtaining a Bachelor degree

Original question: Should I come clean after I accepted the job offer? Feels miserable and I understand the consequences are coming back to me I but really need this job. Plus, I do intend to ...
Michael Harvey's user avatar
17 votes

Is finishing my CS degree critical to being employable as a web developer if I already have good experience and an internship?

You haven't mentioned your current location or the location that you plan to seek employment in in the future, and whether those two are the same, so I'll mention an aspect that might or might not be ...
Egor's user avatar
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