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6 votes

How to deal with disastrous technical leadership

You're using the word "saboteur" which implies intent. As mentioned in a comment, this is Hanlon's Razor in which you're assuming malice rather than incompetence or stupidity. Your best ...
Joel Etherton's user avatar
4 votes

How to deal with disastrous technical leadership

There are two possible scenarios here. You are correct in your assessment. In which case, nothing is going to make a change any time soon. It can take years to rise up in an organisation where they ...
Rohit Gupta's user avatar
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4 votes

Was promised a position to be turned away

Location matters. This is really a question for a labor lawyer, but likely there is no point. Likely there is nothing that you'll be able to do. I am assuming that there is no written contract that ...
DogBoy37's user avatar
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