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9 votes

Upcoming masters program, but have new job offer

I do want to tell them, but I am afraid that if I tell them from the start, my current offer might be rescinded because they don't see me as a full time employee for a long enough time, and would ...
sf02's user avatar
  • 79.6k
8 votes

How common is it to start a full-time job in Sweden before completing your Master's in a different country?

From a Swedish (IT) perspective I would say that about half the people getting far enough in their tech degree to start their thesis never finish it because they end up getting a job instead. This is ...
lijat's user avatar
  • 440
8 votes

Do I need to resign to ask for a Letter of Recommendation?

You can ask for a recommendation letter at any time during or after working somewhere. The only real issue is it lets them know you're contemplating or already involved with a job search. One young ...
Kilisi's user avatar
  • 224k
7 votes

Putting future classes on my CV

No, it's not appropriate. You haven't completed those classes, so you shouldn't put them on your CV. You can, however, add a section about Current Studies once you do start them, and any projects you ...
rath's user avatar
  • 27.9k
7 votes

What should I write in my thank you letter to CEO?

Something like: Dear CEO, Thanks for your kind words and extending your support towards obtaining my degree. Everything I have learnt in last 2 years, have been extremely helpful in achieving this ...
PagMax's user avatar
  • 19.3k
6 votes

What master's degree is recommended to study at a university for establishing a start-up after learning computer science?

None. Building a succesful startup is not much related to the arcanes of computer science. It's much more related to sheer determination, ability to overcome most problems, both on the technical and ...
gazzz0x2z's user avatar
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5 votes

What master's degree is recommended to study at a university for establishing a start-up after learning computer science?

Look for a business school with rich students, heirs of successful/powerful corporations and a strong alumni network. Your goal won't be your diploma (just enough work to get it) but mainly to create ...
JayZ's user avatar
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4 votes

Putting future classes on my CV

Your CV should only have what you have done, and what you are skilled in. The future doesn't exist as far as CV is concerned. However, if you are including a cover letter (for a job application you ...
HorusKol's user avatar
  • 27.5k
4 votes

Applying for a job and grad school at the same time, knowing I would leave for grad school if possible

Your plan is to leave for graduate school next year. But what you don't know is if you will be accepted, and if you will be accepted to a particular program. I had a coworker who had to delay med ...
mhoran_psprep's user avatar
4 votes

How common is it to start a full-time job in Sweden before completing your Master's in a different country?

In the Swedish tech industry it is pretty common to work your whole career with just an almost completed graduation, I guess around 10-20%. Most of them tell the truth when looking for a job. With a ...
Anders's user avatar
  • 141
4 votes

How should I explain why it took my so long to get this stage?

Taking an extra year is far from uncommon. People reconsider their majors, or take a break to earn more money, or to travel, or to see if they could make it in the arts, or whatever. I can't vouch ...
keshlam's user avatar
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3 votes

What master's degree is recommended to study at a university for establishing a start-up after learning computer science?

What you need for your startup to succeed (in order of importance): viable idea LUCK! connections/investors (money) Perseverance and a dollop of common sense a skill in business management (for which ...
mishan's user avatar
  • 417
3 votes

Updating knowledge

You don't necessarily need to update at all, at least before looking for work. The state of play has obviously shifted since 2011, but not to the extent you couldn't pick up (for example) the modern ...
berry120's user avatar
  • 34.8k
3 votes

Should I do a Master's degree if I am already employed in the field?

Anyone can do a masters full time, but to be able to do it while you're employed seems a great opportunity which you may not have later on. A Masters is a definite advantage and would put you well ...
Kilisi's user avatar
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3 votes

Shall I set my current position as "writing master thesis"?

You should not write "writing master's thesis," but you absolutely should have your current position as "M.A. Candidate in _________" (filling in what your degree area of study is in the blank space). ...'s user avatar
  • 468
3 votes

Shall I set my current position as "writing master thesis"?

Do you think that would make sense? To me no. It is an educational project, related to the master courses you are taking. It is not an actual job or position in a company, so it would be confusing ...
DarkCygnus's user avatar
  • 83.6k
3 votes

Asking your company for relocation in order to pursue MSc?

You should first investigate your company's policy with regard to supporting employees in their studies. Some companies are happy to help with studies, some do not. If there is no policy, then you ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
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3 votes

Should I focus on my grades or on finishing my degree on time?

When I interview people, my focus is completely on their skillset, and time to graduation is largely irrelevant. Being "on time" will not earn you any points, highlighting the fact will get you a ...
Simon Richter's user avatar
3 votes

Should I focus on my grades or on finishing my degree on time?

Grades - Matters to future employers. High grades mean higher job offers, low grades can prevent you from getting offers in the first place. Finishing on time - Only matters as far as how much debt ...
Jim Horn's user avatar
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Should I focus on my grades or on finishing my degree on time?

When it comes to industry, I would be surprised if anyone would pay too much attention to your grades rather than your skills and maybe your degree. Much more so when your grades are considerably ...
Junkrat's user avatar
  • 189
3 votes

Do I need to resign to ask for a Letter of Recommendation?

You have stated that the notice period is six months, so your timeline is already set. Exactly how your employer will react is difficult to predict. If, as you say, your work is appreciated, and you ...
Yourn's user avatar
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2 votes

Should I list my MPS degree on my resume?

Should I list this degree on my resume or will I be considered "over-qualified" for most web developer positions? Depends on the specific jobs you are applying, and the requirements they may have. It ...
DarkCygnus's user avatar
  • 83.6k
2 votes

How does a person decide whether it is valuable to complete two complementary Master's Degrees back to back?

Outlaying the money, learning a new language and spending the years just isn't worth the gamble that it will get you a better job when you're just starting. It wouldn't make much difference at all to ...
Kilisi's user avatar
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2 votes

How should I set the duration of my MS program after converting from PhD?

what should I say in my CV regarding my duration of MS completion? IMHO, you should list the full time it's taken you (the 4 years, 2016-2020.) The obvious alternatives would either be to leave a ...
berry120's user avatar
  • 34.8k
2 votes

Updating knowledge

I have taken a break too and it was a good 4.5+ years. This is how I mentally prepared myself. 'No matter what my skills are, there is a job for everyone in this world'. With that in my mind, I took ...
WonderWoman's user avatar
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2 votes

How common is it to start a full-time job in Sweden before completing your Master's in a different country?

As someone from Sweden, I was surprised when I started working abroad that everyone wanted to see my diploma. Nobody asked me about my diploma in Sweden, but they ask for my grades. With that said, I ...
MLEN's user avatar
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Forgetting my work skill and experience

I don't think you can completely forget the skills you learnt for 8 years. Most companies won't worry that you may forget your skills you learnt in 8 years. When you go back to school to earn a higher ...
Job_September_2020's user avatar
1 vote

What master's degree is recommended to study at a university for establishing a start-up after learning computer science?

In the US, Lehigh University has a Master's In Technical Entrepreneurship . You may want to search for a similar program at a university near you.
cdkMoose's user avatar
  • 18.2k
1 vote

5 months career gap before Masters

Gaps <1 year don't matter. Just have some cute story about what you did in those months (1-3 sentences) for the 1 in 10 interviewers who ask, so they can say "cool" and move on. Resumes ...
SquiddleXO's user avatar
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1 vote

Updating knowledge

As a person in that very job, I can tell you that general use of PHP hasn't changed that much. Assuming you used MySQL it hasn't changed at all as per Oracle's MO (However the codebase has been forked ...
Scoots's user avatar
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