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144 votes

Should I accept a full time job knowing I will not be able to commit long term to it, while employer expects me to do so?

I would suggest that you take this job immediately if it is the only job offer you have right now and if you are currently unemployed. The reason is that you don't know for sure when your next job ...
Job_September_2020's user avatar
111 votes

Is job hopping bad when it's for good reasons?

5 jobs in 3 years seems like a red flag to HR personnel It is. job hops were more than appropriate given the circumstances. No one cares, all job hoppers deny being job hoppers and rationalise it ...
Kilisi's user avatar
  • 224k
63 votes

How to address dropping out of grad school

Some excellent industry engineers and programmers try the PhD route and find it is just not for them. One year is a very reasonable amount of time to give it a chance before deciding you are one of ...
Patricia Shanahan's user avatar
56 votes

Should I tell my manager about applying to a different (internal) job?

Should I tell my manager about applying to a different (internal) job? Absolutely. You definitely should tell your manager, and in most companies I have worked at you have to in order to apply for ...
Neo's user avatar
  • 85k
53 votes

Is job hopping bad when it's for good reasons?

You are still in your early 20's, right? I would not worry about it too much. It is not unusual to try things out early in your career, and you needed to take what you could get at the time to get ...
teego1967's user avatar
  • 22.6k
40 votes

Should I accept a full time job knowing I will not be able to commit long term to it, while employer expects me to do so?

As a very general rule of thumb as to how I look at things (for permanent staff, contract roles are obviously different): One short role you can explain in a sentence. Two consecutive short roles I'...
Philip Kendall's user avatar
25 votes

I have 2 job offers A & B. A starts soon and B starts in summer. Is it ok to accept A, starting working and quit before B start date?

You know what sticks out more than a short interlude at company A? Being unemployed for half a year. Even worse if you don't already have a written offer from company B. Also, you might like job A way ...
ruandas's user avatar
  • 396
22 votes

How to address dropping out of grad school

You may just have the wrong advisor. If the current advisor is not working out, you could switch to another research group or even another university. This happens from time to time. Search academia....
Daniel K's user avatar
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19 votes

I got fired after rejecting sexual advances from the firm head. How can I explain this to interviewers?

If they ask you for specific details, let them know exactly what happened. This means they are interested in what happened, and what exactly you did about the situation. Otherwise, if they ask you ...
K Split X's user avatar
  • 411
16 votes

Cultural differences from one's home country as a reason for taking a job back home

It's fine to just say you want to return to your home country. You don't really need to give further reason. I think people will accept that wanting to return as perfectly reasonable.
Kai's user avatar
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14 votes

How to respond to "Are you looking for a job change?" question form an acquaintance on LinkedIn?

If you are not comfortable with being straightforward and want to play diplomatic, you can answer something like: "I'm not actively looking for a change right now, but I'm open to discussions". ...
Sourav Ghosh's user avatar
  • 73.8k
14 votes

Is job hopping bad when it's for good reasons?

Frequent job changes are only as bad as you make them sound. Personally I have a period where I changed jobs every 6 - 9 months, as during that time I was a contractor working 6 or 9 month contracts. ...
Player One's user avatar
  • 24.1k
13 votes

Should I accept a full time job knowing I will not be able to commit long term to it, while employer expects me to do so?

If they aren’t asking you to commit to a long period in writing, you should not feel at all guilty about taking the job. It is not unprofessional to put your career ahead of what the company would ...
ColleenV's user avatar
  • 10.6k
12 votes

Should I tell my manager about applying to a different (internal) job?

Your manager will likely be called for a reference. You don't want that call to be a surprise. It could affect the reference.
paparazzo's user avatar
  • 36.8k
12 votes

Is moving often going to look like job-hopping?

Yes. Yes, you will. Employers care why you're moving, sure. If you had been fired that would be bad. However, spending tens of thousands of dollars to bring someone on board, only to replace him a ...
AndreiROM's user avatar
  • 49.7k
12 votes

How to address dropping out of grad school

If you did so, and in interview explained it to me exactly as you've explained it to us here, I would not only completely understand, but also find it a point in your favour that you recognised a ...
Asteroids With Wings's user avatar
12 votes

Job hopping - how much is too much?

As a hiring manager, when I see a resume which consists of a collection of one year terms, I'll take a pass, unless the candidate has a very good explanation for the short tenures (which I'll ask for)....
dan.m was user2321368's user avatar
11 votes

I got fired after rejecting sexual advances from the firm head. How can I explain this to interviewers?

I got fired after being sexually harassed. How can I explain this to interviewers? The short answer is "you don't" Do not bring this up in the interview, ever. There is no good place for your to ...
Neo's user avatar
  • 85k
11 votes

Are student jobs/internships considered jop hopping?

Unlikely. When you are a student, the expectation is your studies take priority. Internships exist to teach students about the working world and give the company a bit of a labour boost while you're ...
520 says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
10 votes

Should I accept a full time job knowing I will not be able to commit long term to it, while employer expects me to do so?

Beggars can't be choosers You need a job. You've been offered one. It's not your ideal job, but if you're willing to take it, your need for a job outweighs your need for the perfect job. And as others ...
bob's user avatar
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9 votes

Can you take a job to quit after 2 months?

The new job: will start interviews in 2 months. If you were hired, you might not start work there until 3 months from now or even longer is not guaranteed to hire you. Presumably that money and those ...
Kate Gregory's user avatar
9 votes

I want to take a short term role. But will I later struggle to prove I'm not a 'job hopper'?

Is this wise to take, and how would I best present the work afterwards? While we can't answer the former, the point is to make it clear that the job was intended to be short-term. It doesn't matter ...
Lilienthal's user avatar
  • 59.4k
9 votes

Is job hopping bad when it's for good reasons?

Context If I were looking at your resume, and I saw that you were hopping between FAANGs every 9 months, I would assume you were booted for incompetence and would take that as a pretty strong reason ...
Lawnmower Man's user avatar
9 votes

How to get over job hopping stigma?

How to get over job hopping stigma? Looking at the facts you describe I don't think you will (necessarily) be perceived as a job hopper. In all five jobs you mentioned you stayed at least 6 months (...
DarkCygnus's user avatar
  • 83.7k
9 votes

How to get career back on track

First of all. I am sorry for your difficult life circumstances. It's never easy giving up career progress to take care of loved ones, but I believe it's always the right choice. Getting back into the ...
pizoelectric's user avatar
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8 votes

I got fired after rejecting sexual advances from the firm head. How can I explain this to interviewers?

And I also don't wanna get into details of this harassment because what I read on the internet is you should never mention this during the interview. It seems like you are being branded as a job ...
Joe Strazzere's user avatar
8 votes

Will hiring managers and recruiters understand why I left so early?

Back to back 6 month jobs certainly would be a red flag for hiring companies. However, it sounds like your current job is actually a 1 year contract with the potential to go full time after. This ...
17 of 26's user avatar
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7 votes

Should I tell my manager about applying to a different (internal) job?

Does your manager consider you a valued employee? TLDR: If so, yes. If not, start looking for another job regardless. The reason I'm asking is because at most places I've worked, the policy was that ...
Douwe's user avatar
  • 225
7 votes

Should I delay start date to avoid looking like a job hopper?

To be honest, 18 months is sufficiently long for you to move on without looking like a job hopper. In IT the average length of time in a role is about 2 years, so you're close enough to that. A 10% ...
user1666620's user avatar
  • 21.6k

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