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Supplying a reference to a bad former employee

Since it sounds like you're willing to provide a reference, but not answer the employer's questions, I'd propose something in line with that: Tell them you're unable to go into too much detail about ...
NotThatGuy's user avatar
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4 votes

Supplying a reference to a bad former employee

I have been in a similar situation, in the UK - but about 15 years ago. About 6 months after an employee was dismissed, I was contacted for a reference by an employer that had offered him a new role, ...
Michael Shaw's user avatar
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Supplying a reference to a bad former employee

When hiring someone yourself, you'll find yourself very grateful to trustworthy references and so when acting as a reference yourself, you are indirectly returning the favour. So "don't lie" ...
Lundin's user avatar
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2 votes

Supplying a reference to a bad former employee

Get legal advice There have been successful cases brought over misleading references. This has gone both ways, an employee suing over a misleadingly bad reference or a future employer suing over a ...
Dale M's user avatar
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Supplying a reference to a bad former employee

In my final year studying engineering in the '80s, we did employment law and industrial relations in final year as most engineers tend to move into management in their 30s. On the question of writing ...
Trunk's user avatar
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5 votes

Supplying a reference to a bad former employee

Many companies only provide a minimum of information when giving a reference. They do this to protect themselves from the predicament that you are in. You promised that you would go beyond the basic ...
mhoran_psprep's user avatar
116 votes

Supplying a reference to a bad former employee

There is the cop-out answer which is for all these questions write the following: "Our company policy for references is to only confirm employment start and end dates and position" (or some ...
TheDemonLord's user avatar
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14 votes

Supplying a reference to a bad former employee

I've yet to hear back from HR but a common suggestion has been to write to the former employee and confirm: [...] What would be the best course of action here? To wait for your HR's response and ...
DarkCygnus's user avatar
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20 votes

Supplying a reference to a bad former employee

US resident here...I tend to lean toward the old saying, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." You can simply say that your company does not provide details regarding ...
Neil T.'s user avatar
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